
From Curious Expedition 2 Wiki
Revision as of 19:20, 17 March 2023 by DexDearborn (talk | contribs)
Ui icon ticket large.png

Tickets are the in-game currency for the Paris Hub. All around the "expedition universelle" you can pay for everything with tickets. There are also funds as another currency, but you only use them in the ship shop. Tickets are earned as expedition rewards and for every 50 fame earned. The progress bar for this is in the upper left corner of the Paris expedition screen.

How to get tickets?

You get tickets for every expedition you succeed in. When choosing your expedition you can already see how many tickets you would get. You also get more tickets for all the items you bring back to Paris. The more valuable items you bring back, the more tickets you get. Sometimes characters also give you some more tickets.

Where to spend tickets?

The Club Shops

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Each explorer club has its own shop with unique items, weapons, and characters to recruit. You can purchase those with tickets.

Lux Labs - Upgrade Equipment

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At Lux Labs you also have the possibility to upgrade your equipment against tickets.

Avalon - Cure Ailment

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At Avalon you can cure ailments against tickets.

Taishi - Train Character

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At Taishi you can train a character to level them up against tickets.

The Shady Dealer

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Another place to purchase items is the Shady Dealer, he also exchanges items for tickets.

The Financier

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After the second year you can find the financier at the Boussole Cassée. He will exchange tickets against extra funds for your next expedition.

The Mercenary

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Sometimes you can find the Zouave Veteran mercenary at Boussole Cassée. You can hire him to join you on your next expedition in exchange for tickets.

Related topics

Overview Beginner's GuideCampaignDirector ModeParis HubExplorer ClubsExpeditionsLeadersCompanionsFamous Explorers
Mechanics DiceChallengesCombatTradeItemsTravelRestEncountersEventsClub CompetitionsAchievementsJoobee the truffle hogThe Duke
Attributes Sanity Inline120.pngHealth Inline74.pngLoyalty Inline93.pngStanding Inline131.pngExperience Inline56.pngFame Inline12.pngTickets Inline19.pngPerksAilmentsRelationships