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An explorer's standing reflects their reputation in a region. It greatly impacts an explorer's dealings with the islanders. Standing can range from -10 to +10.

Your standing to the islanders is displayed when you encounter them for the first time on that island.

Standing dependent actions[edit]

You need at least 3 Standing to meet the village ruler.
  • Meeting the village ruler: you need at least +3 standing.

Gain Standing[edit]

  • You can gain +1 standing by asking the islanders something about their tribe.
  • You can also gain standing by giving the islanders a gift. The higher the value, the more standing you will gain. You can do this when you encounter islanders in the wild or when you trade with them in the village.
  • You can gain standing in several different Events where the actions you chose to make improve your reputation.

Lose Standing[edit]

  • You lose -2 standing when sleeping in the village.
  • You lose standing when stealing treasures in shrines.
  • You lose standing when stealing offerings at stone statues.
  • You can lose standing in several different Events where the actions you chose to make displease the islanders.

Related topics[edit]

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Attributes Sanity Inline120.pngHealth Inline74.pngLoyalty Inline93.pngStanding Inline131.pngExperience Inline56.pngFame Inline12.pngTickets Inline19.pngPerksAilmentsRelationships