Help:Wiki development
A lot of the wiki is still missing or under construction. We would be happy about any help on creating a great wiki for all players.
This page should give an overview of what pages are started but under construction. And also has galleries of images that can be used. (So we don't need to check the long uploaded files list.)
Also, feel free to create any new pages that you think are missing. Special:WantedPages shows the most-linked missing pages and can be a good place to start.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Pages Under Construction[edit]
See Category:Under construction.
Feel free to add information if you know something.
Uploaded Images[edit]
These are images that are available to be used somewhere in the wiki.
Dice Faces / Actions[edit]
The Pistol could be an example of how to use the images for information on the combat dice.
Not all used.
Inline Icons[edit]
Different icons that are used in the game.
Images of characters, leaders, companions, etc... Mostly a male and female version of the characters.
Images of animal characters, enemies, companions, etc...