
From Curious Expedition 2 Wiki
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“My heart pounded with anticipation of the fame and glory that lay before me. But first I would need to hire some assistance...”

Companions or Recruitable Characters will join your party in various ways, most commonly by recruiting them in Paris or in islander villages. Your party can have a maximum of 4 companions in addition to your Leader; any extra characters must be dismissed before moving. (Some special temporary companions are an exception to this.)

Note: In all the tables below, Health and Dice face colors are for start Level 1, and "Bonus X, +Y/promotion" means that "Bonus" starts at X at Level 1 and increases by Y for each additional level from 2 onward.

Tavern and Club Recruits[edit]

Tavern and Club Recruits can be recruited in the Paris hub in-between treks, or occasionaly found in other locations.

Tavern Recruits[edit]

These characters can be obtained in:

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Image

60 2 2 0 2 CharactersForWiki 0017 3840x2160-97.png
Field Nurse
  • Heal Speed Inline74.png +30%, +10%/level-up

60 2 3 0 1 CharactersForWiki 0068 3840x2160-27.png
British Soldier

50 2 4 0 0 CharactersForWiki 0079 3840x2160-10.png

50 2 2 2 0 CharactersForWiki 0076 3840x2160-13.png

50 2 2 0 2 CharactersForWiki 0035 3840x2160-71.png

50 2 2 0 2 CharactersForWiki 0008 3840x2160-116.png
Roma Trader

50 2 0 1 3 CharactersForWiki 0019 3840x2160-95.png
Street Rat

50 2 0 2 2 CharactersForWiki 0012 3840x2160-110.png
Travelling Quack
  • Provides random Elixir every 30 days, -2/level-up

50 2 0 2 2 CharactersForWiki 0021 3840x2160-92.png

50 3 4 0 0 AnimalsForWiki 0031 3840x2160-19.png
Hunting Dog
  • Provides Raw Quail every 25 days, -2/level-up

60 2 2/2 2/2 0/0 AnimalsForWiki 0020 3840x2160-37.png

Club Recruits[edit]

These characters can be obtained in:

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Club Rank Image
Sikh Warrior

50 2 1 3 0 Avalon Society 2 CharactersForWiki 0014 3840x2160-105.png
Treasure Corgi

50 2 0/0 4/4 0/0 Avalon Society 8 AnimalsForWiki 0034 3840x2160-14.png
  • Equipped Lux Labs item Level +1, +1/level-up

50 2 0 2 2 Lux Labs 4 CharactersForWiki 0073 3840x2160-20.png

50 2 3 0 1 Lux Labs 8 CharactersForWiki 0063 3840x2160-43.png
Academy Master
  • Provides random Scroll every 30 days, -2/level-up

50 2 0 0 4 Taishi Academy 2 CharactersForWiki 0086 3840x2160-2.png
Taoist Monk

50 2 0 3 1 Taishi Academy 8 CharactersForWiki 0009 3840x2160-114.png

Islanders Recruits[edit]

Islanders Recruits can be recruited by request to the Ruler of a Village. They can also join your party from certain special locations, encounters or random events.

They can be obtained in:

(Note: the Salamander Prince can only be obtained in the Mole Village of the Act II story expedition.)


Human Islanders are found in Drylands, Jungle and Prehistoric maps. Some also appear as starting companions of certain Leaders.

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Image
Islander Shaman

50 2 2 0 2 CharactersForWiki 0026 3840x2160-82.png
Islander Warrior
  • Combat victory Sanity Inline120.png +5, +1/level-up

50 2 3 1 0 CharactersForWiki 0037 3840x2160-69.png
Elite Warrior
  • Combat victory Sanity Inline120.png +5, +1/level-up

60 2 3 1 0 CharactersForWiki 0039 3840x2160-67.png
Islander Scout

50 2 2 2 0 CharactersForWiki 0025 3840x2160-83.png

50 2 2/0 2/0 0/3 CharactersForWiki 0028 3840x2160-80.png

Abominations are not necessarily human islander recruits, but are created when humanoid characters in the player's party receive a strange bite mark as a result of an insanity event. Some character types do not appear to be able to receive the strange bite mark (e.g. cultists) and can never become abominations. If left untreated (e.g. by introspection mushroom) this will ultimately cause them to become abomination type companions.


Salamander Islanders are found in Archipelago maps. Most of them benefit from reduced Water and Swamps travel costs.

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Image
Sea Priest

50 2 0 0 4 CharactersForWiki 0000 3840x2160-101.png

50 2 2 2 0 CharactersForWiki 0002 3840x2160-99.png

50 2 4 0 0 CharactersForWiki 0001 3840x2160-100.png
Elite Guardian

55 2 4 0 0 Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 1446012.png
Salamander Prince

60 2 4 0 0 Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 160824.png

Mole People[edit]

Mole People Islanders are found in Caverns maps. They are purchased as mercenaries from Mole Outposts, not Villages. Mole villages instead offer non-Mole characters (Characters from Paris, Islanders and Salamanders) for purchase.

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Image

50 2 0 4 0 CharactersForWiki 0030 3840x2160-76.png

50 2 4 0 0 CharactersForWiki 0034 3840x2160-72.png

50 2 2 0 2 CharactersForWiki 0032 3840x2160-74.png

Animal Recruits[edit]

Animal Recruits are non-humanoid trek members. They take up a character slot as normal but don't have a Loyalty Inline93.png attribute, and have a single special Equipment slot instead of Hand and Body slots. Unlike with humanoids, you can recruit several animals of the same class in your party.

Pack Animals[edit]

Pack Animals Inline53.png are often selected for their ability to be ridden and/or their increased carrying Capacity Inline02.png. They have a combined Beast/Pack Animal equipment slot. One pack animal per party can be Mounted Inline102.png by your Leader using a Saddle (generally occupying 1 Capacity) to reduce travel costs and activate the mount's second die.

They can be obtained in:

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Inline102.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Images

50 3 4 0 0 -1 0 2 0 AnimalsForWiki 0031 3840x2160-19.png

50 3 0 4 0 -1 0 0 2 AnimalsForWiki 0021 3840x2160-36.png
  • Can increase sanity by 5 every (39 - 2/level) days

60 3 0 2 2 -1 2 0 0 AnimalsForWiki 0012 3840x2160-89.png

55 4 2 2 0 -1 0 2 0 AnimalsForWiki 0014 3840x2160-85.png
Red Elk
  • Provides Standing Inline131.png +1 every 30 days, -2/level-up

65 4 0 2 2 -1 0 2 0
Giant Tortoise

75 5 2 2 0 -1 2 0 0 AnimalsForWiki 0022 3840x2160-35.png

  • Ambush Chance +15%

50 2 0/0 2/2 2/2 2 0 0 AnimalsForWiki 0010 3840x2160-94.png


Beasts Inline54.png are smaller animals that cannot be ridden or use larger equipment. They provide a second die without requiring anything to activate it, and also a bonus die for specified non-Combat challenges. However they have a Beast equipment slot only, and cannot equip Pack Animal-specific items such as Saddles (unless they are also Pack Animals, such as the Raptor).

Class Traits Inline74.png Inline02.png VigorDice.png FinesseDice.png EloquenceDice.png Found in Image
Treasure Corgi

50 2 0/0 4/4 0/0 Avalon Society shop, Tavern AnimalsForWiki 0034 3840x2160-14.png
Hunting Dog
  • Provides Raw Quail every 25 days, -2/level-up

60 2 2/2 2/2 0/0 Big Game Hunter start, Tavern AnimalsForWiki 0020 3840x2160-37.png
  • Provides Raw Quail every 25 days, -2/level-up

60 2 4/4 0/0 0/0 Hatched Mysterious Egg Capture d’écran 2021-12-01 10402223.png
  • View distance bonus
  • Can gather items every X days
  • Large Beast, takes 2 slots, max level 12
100 2 2/2 0/0 2/2 Tamed by Naturalist (Imagine a picture of an Elephant)
Corrupted Critter
  • Can smell nearby treasure and dig it up

40 2 3/0 0/3 1/1 Tamed by Naturalist

Corrupted Critter.jpg

Dire Wolf
  • Provides Raw Quail every 25 days, -2/level-up
  • Not a misprint; only has one combat die

70 2 2 2 0 Tamed by Naturalist

(Looks like a wolf)

Giant Crab
  • Reveals water locations, +3? range (+1/level?)
  • Can still fight at 0 HP
  • Large Beast, takes 2 slots, max level 12
110 2 0/0 2/2 1/1 Tamed by Naturalist (Imagine a picture of a Giant Crab)
  • Strength in first round of combat: 10/level

60 2 0 1 2 Tamed by Naturalist (Like a warthog, but with a luxurious mane, longer tusks, and a slightly-prehensile nose)
  • Walking Fortress: automatic shield (5 + 1/level?)
  • Ambush chance +~30%
  • Large Beast, takes 2 slots, max level 12
100 2 2/2 1/1 2/2 Tamed by Naturalist (It's a crocodile)
Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Max Sanity +~20
  • +~7 Sanity from combat
  • Enormous Beast, takes 3 slots, higher max level
100 2 2/2 1/1 2/2 Tamed by Naturalist (It's a crocodile)

Related topics[edit]

Expedition Leaders Big Game HunterAnthropologistPlundererCartographerTaxonomistShennong HerbalistRed Flag PirateNahua Seeker
Tavern Recruits British SoldierCookDonkeyField NurseHunting DogMissionaryRoma TraderSailorStreet RatTranslatorTravelling Quack
Others Club RecruitsHuman IslandersSalamandersMole PeoplePack AnimalsBeastsFamous ExplorersVictoria Malin