Red Flag Pirate

From Curious Expedition 2 Wiki
Red Flag Pirate with starting party

Red Flag Pirate

One of 8 Leaders available to play as.

In game description: One of the great Ching Shih's most cut-throat mercenaries. Searching for treasure at any cost.

Starts with
Equipment Storm Lantern
Companions Sailor, British Soldier
  • Plunderer's Kit usage Sanity Inline120.png+50%, +10%/level-up
  • Cannot rest in villages
  • Free Map
  • Improved buried treasure
Unlock condition Find 10 buried treasures

Trait detail

The Red Flag Pirate gets a shovel and a treasure map at the start of every expedition.

Starts each trek with a Plunderer's Kit.

  • Weightless and can't be dropped or traded.
  • Add Sanity Inline120.png by chopping up Treasure Inline175.png to share with party.
    • Sanity gained is proportional to Fame Inline12.png of the treasure .

Gets a free treasure map at the start of every expedition.

Combat die


Ability Die Target Effect Boost
Solid Blow PunchUppercut.png 1 Enemy
Lv Damage Inline143.png
Level 1 6
Level 2 7
Level 3 8
Level 4 9
Level 5 10
Level 6 12
Level 7 14
Level 8 16
Lv Damage Inline143.png
Level 1 +9
Level 2 +10
Level 3 +11
Level 4 +12
Level 5 +13
Level 6 +15
Level 7 +17
Level 8 +19
Cunning Trade MultiplyDice.png None

Duplicates a selected die.

Duplicates the selected die multiple times.

Lv Number of extra duplicate dice
Level 1 0
Level 2 +1
Level 3 +1
Level 4 +2
Level 5 +2
Level 6 +3
Level 7 +3
Level 8 +3

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